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使用 Linode 的云计算和托管解决方案简化您的基础架构,并更快、更轻松地开发、部署和扩展。 资源猫小编在浏览该网站时,页面整洁美观,感兴趣的用户,欢迎访问,实际体验!

基于 Linode 的 Akamai 云计算通过可扩展、简单、经济且易于访问的 Linux 云解决方案和服务加速创新。我们的产品、服务和人员为开发人员和企业提供了所需的灵活性、支持和信任,使他们能够更轻松、更经济高效地构建、部署、保护和扩展应用程序,从云端到全球分布式网络的边缘。

基于 Linode 的 Akamai 云计算是开发人员和企业在全球范围内构建、保护和交付现代应用程序的一个令人兴奋的选择。 Akamai 结合了两全其美 - 超大规模核心服务的规模和广度与替代云提供商的简单性和可负担性。

The Cloud Computing Market云计算市场

Cloud infrastructure services are the fastest-growing segment of the mammothcloud computingindustry. The public cloud (IaaS) segment is growing at 25% year over year and is expected to reach $309 billion by 2026.

云基础设施服务是庞大的云计算行业中增长最快的部分。公共云 (IaaS) 细分市场同比增长 25%,预计到 2026 年将达到 3090 亿美元。

The cloud has fundamentally changed how we work, live, and play. Its network of remote servers store, manage, and process data to help individuals, companies, governments, and other organizations reduce the cost and complexity of owning and operating their own capital and resource-intensive computers. With the cloud, data and applications are more accessible to more people wherever they are connected to the Internet.

云从根本上改变了我们的工作、生活和娱乐方式。它的远程服务器网络存储、管理和处理数据,以帮助个人、公司、政府和其他组织降低拥有和操作自己的资本和资源密集型计算机的成本和复杂性。有了云,更多人无论在何处连接到 Internet,都可以更轻松地访问数据和应用程序。

Cloud Retrospective云回顾

This fundamental shift in how business and society interacted with computers began in 1999 when Salesforce.com started the Software as a Service (SaaS) revolution. By moving computing power into the cloud, large capital outlays, scaling limitations, and data inaccessibility became part of computing’s history book. The newfound ability to virtualize hardware allowed people to pay as they went, scale up and scale down at will, and manage their infrastructure without the need for deep networking and IT expertise.

这种企业和社会与计算机交互方式的根本转变始于 1999 年,当时 Salesforce.com 发起了软件即服务 (SaaS) 革命。通过将计算能力转移到云中,大量资本支出、扩展限制和数据不可访问性成为计算历史书的一部分。新发现的硬件虚拟化能力使人们可以按需付费、随意扩大和缩小规模,并管理他们的基础设施,而无需深入的网络和 IT 专业知识。

Salesforce leveraged the power of the cloud to disrupt the $3.3 billion CRM software market and become one of the most powerful software companies in the world. Companies like Amazon used the cloud to disrupt retail commerce, forever changing the world’s economic landscape. Today, we take the cloud for granted.

Salesforce 利用云的力量颠覆了价值 33 亿美元的 CRM 软件市场,并成为世界上最强大的软件公司之一。像亚马逊这样的公司使用云来颠覆零售业,永远改变世界的经济格局。今天,我们认为云是理所当然的。

But back then, building your own cloud was expensive. It required massive amounts of investment. Salesforce raised $64.4 million when it was first starting out. The same went for Amazon and other early cloud adopters. To get the cost and scale benefits the cloud provided, companies needed deep pockets and even deeper technological know how.

但那时候,构建自己的云非常昂贵。它需要大量投资。 Salesforce 刚开始时筹集了 6440 万美元。亚马逊和其他早期的云采用者也是如此。为了获得云提供的成本和规模效益,公司需要雄厚的财力和更深入的技术知识。

Linux and LinodeLinux 和 Linode

What the industry lacked was a way to make this new computing power accessible to others. While Salesforce, Amazon, and others were building their own cloud environments, the now-ubiquitous Linux open source operating system was claiming its place as the predominant server software in the market.

该行业所缺乏的是一种让其他人也可以使用这种新计算能力的方法。当 Salesforce、Amazon 和其他公司正在构建自己的云环境时,现在无处不在的 Linux 开源操作系统正在占据市场上主要服务器软件的地位。

Jeff Dike, an active Linux contributor, had developed a technology called User-mode Linux. UML allowed developers to create virtual Linux machines within a Linux computer. It was groundbreaking technology and opened the door for the virtualized cloud we know today.

Jeff Dike 是一位活跃的 Linux 贡献者,他开发了一种称为用户模式 ​​Linux 的技术。 UML 允许开发人员在 Linux 计算机中创建虚拟 Linux 机器。这是一项开创性的技术,为我们今天所知的虚拟化云打开了大门。

One of those developers was a young technologist, Christopher Aker. He saw an opportunity to use Dike’s hypervisor technology not to build the next Salesforce or Amazon, but to make cloud computing less complicated, less expensive, and more accessible to every developer regardless of where they were located, what their resources were or who they worked for. The company he built — Linode — pioneered cloud computing and,heavily influenced by the open source movement it was born from, remains driven not by profit, but by a larger mission to democratize cloud computing by empowering developers and helping the world innovate.

其中一位开发人员是一位年轻的技术专家,克里斯托弗·阿克 (Christopher Aker)。他看到了使用 Dike 的虚拟机管理程序技术的机会,不是为了构建下一个 Salesforce 或亚马逊,而是为了让云计算更简单、更便宜,并且更容易为每个开发人员所用,无论他们位于何处、他们的资源是什么或他们为谁工作为了。他创建的公司 Linode 是云计算的先驱,并且深受其诞生的开源运动的影响,仍然不是由利润驱动,而是一个更大的使命,即通过赋予开发人员权力和帮助世界创新来实现云计算的民主化。

That mission and belief system — to make things more affordable and accessible to everyone — became the corporate DNA of Linode. Aker knew that certain guiding principles were needed to stay true to that mission. The first was that developer control was paramount, which meant the company had to be built on open standards with a guarantee of "no vendor lock-in". The second was that it had to be customer centric, free to make decisions in the best interests of its customers and not outside investors or shareholders.

这种使命和信念体系——让每个人都能买得起、买得起东西——成为了 Linode 的企业 DNA。阿克尔知道,要忠于这一使命,需要某些指导原则。首先是开发人员控制是最重要的,这意味着公司必须建立在开放标准的基础上,并保证“没有供应商锁定”。第二个是它必须以客户为中心,可以自由地为客户而不是外部投资者或股东的最佳利益做出决策。

Linode and Akamai Today今天的 Linode 和 Akamai

Just as it did when pioneering cloud computing in 2003, we continue to play a significant role in the technological advancement of cloud computing.

就像 2003 年开创云计算一样,我们继续在云计算的技术进步中发挥重要作用。

In March 2022, Akamai acquired Linode. Akamai’s DNA is rooted in solving tough infrastructure problems at planetary scale. Akamai invented the CDN (content delivery network). It built itself into a world-class security company. And with Linode, Akamai is set to make history again with cloud computing by marrying Linode’s experience in infrastructure as a service with Akamai’s leadership in scale and security to create the world’s most distributed compute platform.

2022 年 3 月,Akamai 收购了 Linode。 Akamai 的 DNA 植根于解决全球范围内棘手的基础设施问题。 Akamai 发明了 CDN(内容分发网络)。将自己打造成世界一流的安保公司。借助 Linode,Akamai 将通过将 Linode 在基础设施即服务方面的经验与 Akamai 在规模和安全性方面的领先优势相结合,创建世界上最分布式的计算平台,从而再次创造云计算的历史。

Linode started as a company built by developers for developers. Today, it continues to serve these new innovators as well as the growing teams, startups, and larger enterprises it helped create.

Linode 最初是一家由开发人员为开发人员建立的公司。今天,它继续为这些新的创新者以及它帮助创建的不断壮大的团队、初创公司和大型企业提供服务。





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