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Afterglow歌词 - 蔡徐坤

发布时间:2024-06-11 09:51:33



Afterglow - 蔡徐坤

词:蔡徐坤/Max Ulver/Daniel Schulz

曲:蔡徐坤/Max Ulver/Daniel Schulz

编曲:蔡徐坤/Max Ulver/Christian Coer/Jeffrey Z./Jordan Reifkind

制作人:蔡徐坤/Max Ulver/Christian Coer/Jeffrey Z.

In all these faces

I see you

No hesitation

Only you

You're a blue swimming pool

We could dance in the middle of June

Let a new flower bloom

We could dance in the middle of June

In the afterglow

Nothing lasts forever

In the afterglow

Nothing lasts forever

All this temptation

I fall through

What are we chasing

Got no clue

So I go with the flow

We could dance in the middle of June

Let a new flower bloom

We could dance in the middle of June

In the afterglow

Nothing lasts forever

In the afterglow

Nothing lasts forever

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《Afterglow歌词 - 蔡徐坤》更新日期为:2024-12-02 10:43:08;目前浏览的小伙伴达到资源猫所有作品(图文、音视频以及网站收录)均由用户自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流,想了解查找更多资源网站可以直接搜索查询。若您的权利被侵害,请联系 1989984319@qq.com