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Anson Seabra的《Unloving You》歌词

发布时间:2023-11-29 13:43:04



Anson Seabra的《Unloving You》<a href=/yygeci/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>歌词</a>

作词 : Alex Borel/Colin Foote/Anson Long-Seabra

作曲 : Alex Borel/Colin Foote/Anson Long-Seabra

I want all of my nights back

愿岁月眷顾 让我重温那些夜晚

When you were callin' me, cryin'


You were fallin' apart

积压的情绪 将你席卷

And I said, "Darling, I'm right there"

我安慰道 “亲爱的 我就在你身边”

Grab my keys off the nightstand


And I drove through the dark, mm-mm


But that was then and this now, and wow

不过那是从前 而如今

You're movin' on, I'm breakin' down tonight

你抛下往昔 今晚留我魄落魂失

And in the end, no matter how hard I try

到最后 任我竭力虔心

Unloving you is so hard to do

不爱你 对我如凌迟

It's like trying to fight the rising tide

就好比 逆流而上

It's like catching the moon

又仿佛 水中捞月

Or telling the stars not to shine

抑或 叫那熠熠的繁星一反既往

Yeah, unloving you, I must be a fool

怎能不爱你啊 我定是愚不可及

'Cause only a fool would waste their time


On somebody who has already moved on with their life


I want all of my flights back

盼时光倒流 让我再登上那数趟航班

When you were goin' to college


Promise we'd make it work

你信誓旦旦 我们会功成名就

Threw all my clothes in a backpack


Twelve hundred miles just so I could say "I love you" in person Hmm, mm

跨越一千二百英里 只为亲口对你说句“我爱你”

That was then and this now, and wow

那是在过去 而如今

You're movin' on, I'm breakin' down tonight

你早已释怀 今晚我心碎一地

And in the end, no matter how hard I try

到最后 无论我百般尝试

Unloving you is so hard to do

不爱你 对我如钝刀慢剐

It's like trying to fight the rising tide

就好比 逆流而上

It's like catching the moon

又仿佛 水中捞月

Or telling the stars not to shine, oh

抑或 叫那熠熠的繁星一反既往

Yeah, unloving you, I must be a fool

怎能不爱你啊 我定是愚昧至极

'Cause only a fool would waste their time


On somebody who has already moved on with their life


Somebody help me, somebody help me

来人救救我吧 我深陷爱河

This isn't healthy


Don't know what to do


Can't make it through, unloving you

若不爱你 我无以为继

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《Anson Seabra的《Unloving You》歌词》更新日期为:2024-04-17 11:13:30;目前浏览的小伙伴达到资源猫所有作品(图文、音视频以及网站收录)均由用户自行上传分享,仅供网友学习交流,想了解查找更多资源网站可以直接搜索查询。若您的权利被侵害,请联系 1989984319@qq.com